
Planning, management and organization of scientific, professional and informative workshops, training activities conferences (seminars, workshops, etc.) and other events and reports on issues favored vulnerable groups.

Planning and implementation of projects, business plans, marketing plans and research on topics dedicated to vulnerable social groups. Design and provide training to members of disadvantaged – vulnerable social groups.

The elaboration of studies, strategies and action plans for policy issues on exclusion andfor disadvantaged social groups, the management of Research projects, Technological Development, Information and Communication Technologies and the provision of relevant advisory services.

Studies and surveys on technological, educational, social economic, labor, issues of institutions that directly or indirectly affect those who belong in disadvantaged – vulnerable social groups and the provision of relevant advisory technical services to public sector organizations, Local Government Organizations, Bodies of the European Union and other international organizations.
Planning, managing, implementing and evaluating activities and programs HRD, particularly in education, training and employment for unemployed and employees belonging in disadvantaged – vulnerable social groups. While providing education and training in the former group.

Production and sale of advertising and promotional materials associated with the objective of the NGO.

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